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This blog has been created specifically for those that are interested in web development technology

What website is

website is a place to get information on the internet. it made up of several webpages that combined it.
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The meaning of HTML

first of all let start with the abréviation of HTML which mean H yper T ext M arkup L anguage, HTML is the language for writing internet web pages. Everything we want on internet whether it is an information or multimedia contents it should be have designed and built using HTML and other tools such as CSS for attractive pages. I will show you the steps on how to write your first HTML page.

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The meaning of HTML

first of all let start with the abréviation of HTML which mean H yper T ext M arkup L anguage, HTML is the language for writing internet web pages. Everything we want on internet whether it is an information or multimedia contents it should be have designed and built using HTML and other tools such as CSS for attractive pages. I will show you the steps on how to write your first HTML page.